Social Wellness Month is a designated period that focuses on promoting and enhancing individuals' social well-being and connections with others. It aims to raise awareness about the importance of healthy relationships, community involvement, and fostering a sense of belonging. During this month, various activities, events, and initiatives are organized to encourage individuals to strengthen their social connections and cultivate a supportive and inclusive environment.
Read MoreFrom the joy of watching plants grow and bloom to the serenity found in its peaceful embrace, a garden truly becomes a haven for solace, rejuvenation, and a deeper appreciation of the wonders of life.
Read MoreThe space we inhabit has a profound impact on our mental health and well-being. The arrangement, cleanliness, and aesthetic appeal of our surroundings can either nurture or hinder our mental well-being.
Read MoreHealing from childhood trauma often involves revisiting our traumatic experiences and getting in touch with our inner child.
Read MoreResearch shows that people who spend more time in nature feel happier and healthier.
Let’s take a look to nature to see how to get back to basics with our natural state.
Read MoreThe magic of transforming stress into something positive is in the doing, not the saying. So, how do we turn ourselves around when we’re in a bad place?
Read MoreAs the days grow longer and the temperatures grow warmer, spring is the perfect time to rejuvenate your body and mind and embrace a healthy lifestyle. As nature awakens, reinvigorate your nutrition and wellness routine to make the most of this season of renewal.
Read MoreWhile both types of massage can provide benefits, they are very different in terms of their techniques and the outcomes each provides.
Read MoreHave you ever felt emotionally or spiritually drained, as if you have lost all of your energy? This feeling is known as being ungrounded, and it can be very disruptive to your daily life.
Read MoreThe Dry January campaign seeks to address increased alcohol consumption in those who are usually moderate users. By abstaining from drinking alcohol during January, participants will likely see many positive mental and physical health benefits.
Read MoreWhat was once considered folklore, myths, a prop for fortune tellers, or traveling salespeople has become a pretty mainstream idea: gemstones, crystals, and minerals hold healing properties and health benefits. From amethyst to zultanite, these stones aren’t just for decorating (although most are pretty and used to spruce up a room), they’ve got the support of science behind them.
Read MoreEating a variety of different fruits, nuts, and grains is important for sustaining a wholesome diet which is vital to losing weight and for an extended length of your life.
Read MoreA lot of the holiday season is spent worrying about the amount of presents you bought, or maybe a lost loved one, or some of the people you’d rather not visit. This time of year heightens all the feelings, including the not so jolly ones.
Read MoreA holistic view of our bodies and our beauty means looking at our physical, mental, and even spiritual well-being rather than just throwing a band-aid over a problem area.
Read MoreBreathing is something we do everyday; something unconscious and automatic. So what exactly is Breathwork and how can it help you?
Read MoreWhat exactly is group therapy anyway? You can think of group therapy is a type of psychotherapy. People with similar problems and goals can get together. People bond over their shared experiences, receive genuine support, and discover ways they can change their lives for the better.
Read MoreNow that it’s autumn, the night sky becomes especially dark and stargazers are able to see some of the most beautiful celestial sightings.
Read MoreIf we don't have a solid support system or trusted method of coping, these emotions can be destructive and debilitating. That's why it's so important to know when to find a trusted therapist.
Read MoreSelf-care is one of the most important things you can do for yourself, for the present, and the future.
Read MoreGratitude isn’t looking through rose-colored glasses, it’s a discipline. Feeling grateful for what we already have causes a chain reaction in our lives and in our bodies, physically and emotionally. And it doesn’t even take a lot of effort.
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