How Can Group Therapy Help with Mental Health?
When thinking of therapy, people often think it's simply done individually and/or with couples and that group therapy is mostly for support groups. However, group therapy has become more popular as people have discovered a deep-seated need for community and like-minded individuals. We are wired to connect and group therapy helps people by offering opportunities to both offer support and be supported!
What exactly is group therapy anyway? You can think of group therapy is a type of psychotherapy. People with similar problems and goals can get together. People bond over their shared experiences, receive genuine support, and discover ways they can change their lives for the better.
What Can You Expect from Group Therapy?
Walking into a session, you’ll meet with one or more psychologists or counselors who will lead your group. The group usually comprises up to five to 15 patients. The session usually lasts for about an hour and may take place once or twice a week.
The psychologists in the group will lead these sessions. They teach the group proven strategies to help you sort through specific problems.
Still, your fellow group members are also pivotal to your experience.
Members share their experiences in group therapy
How Can Group Therapy Help?
Many people are apprehensive about starting group therapy. It can be intimidating to share your concerns with a group of strangers, especially if you’re fearful that they’ll judge you. Members of a group are not there to judge you, and everyone there is going through a similar situation.
Over time, you’ll get to know your group members well and may even grow close to some of them. They become a network of support. They are a group of people with whom you can share your concerns without feeling judged or pressured.
People who deal with mental health problems often feel as though they are alone. Hearing from people with similar problems helps show that you’re not alone.
The group is also there to offer advice and accountability. They will help you work out your problems, suggest ideas that may help, and make sure that you’re doing what you said you would.
Providing a similar experience to your fellow group mates will benefit you as well. You’ll gain a sense of closeness, and listening to their accounts of their lives can offer you insightful perspective you may have never gotten anywhere else.
Group therapy can provide the support you need
You Will Learn Skills in group therapy
There are some basic goals that psychologists want to accomplish during their group therapy sessions. They come from the book The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy by Irvin D. Yalom:
1. Instillation of Hope — helping people toward their goals
2. Universality — bringing people with similar experiences together
3. Imparting Information — sharing & offering advice
4. Altruism — offering support & reassurance
5. The Corrective Recapitulation of the Primary Family Group — confront childhood experiences
6. Development of Socializing Techniques — give & receive feedback
7. Imitative Behavior — practice behaviors done by the therapist
8. Interpersonal Learning — gain awareness of strengths & limitations
9. Group Cohesiveness — gain a sense of belonging
10. Catharsis — release pent up emotions
11. Existential Factors — space & time to explore uncomfortable thoughts
Members of a group therapy session show their support
When Might You Want to Join Group Therapy?
Group therapy can benefit everyone, even if you don’t have a mental illness. We list some of the most common reasons people go to group therapy below:
● Stress management
● Depression
● Anxiety
● Panic disorders
● Phobias
● Substance abuse
● Grief
● Anger
● Social skills
You can seek group therapy for conditions not directly related to mental health too, although the conditions can certainly cause mental health problems. Such groups may help with things like obesity, chronic pain/illness, weight loss, domestic violence, or cultural trauma.
Others may join group therapy to seek support from people who share a similar profession. Jobs like teaching, social work, and healthcare can take a heavy toll on your mental health.
Group therapy is also great for people who have little access to individual therapy. Often, those with low incomes, or those from rural areas, have trouble finding therapy because of limited availability and staffing. Group therapy makes therapy more accessible for more people.
Group Therapy in Bend at the Blissful Heart Wellness Center
No matter what you’re dealing with, it’s likely that group therapy can help you. Group therapy makes help more accessible to more people. It also allows you to build relationships with people who are dealing with the same things you are.
Whether you’re dealing with depression, anxiety, panic disorder, job issues, grief, or any other number of things, there is likely a group in your area that can help.
The Blissful Heart Wellness Center is proud to offer a variety of therapeutic counseling options to our patrons. This month and into next, there is a re:Group on-going group therapy – a total of six sessions tailored to educators and firs