The Science of Self-Care and How it Benefits Us
It seems that tending to ourselves should be innate, natural, and easy, but in such a fast-paced world, it falls to the wayside a lot of the time. Things like schedules, family, careers, and productivity can make taking a bath or reading a book seem like a waste of time, but it’s exactly when we lose these calm or motivating components that we lose ourselves. When we check in with ourselves, when we truly give our bodies and minds what they need, we operate higher, think clearer, and treat each other better. Self-care is one of the most important things you can do for yourself, for the present, and the future.
Self-care is one of the most important things we can do
Self-Care Looks Different for Each Person
Self-care is personal and looks different for each person. What started off as a basic needs list has graduated into a set of individual values to live by. It isn’t always about calming down or even relaxing, says the New York Times, it’s about personal refueling. What fills your cup? Finding a purpose behind your self-care is the guiding light. Sleeping and eating well are the building blocks of self-care, but, the article suggests devoting the best hours of the day to yourself. We spend our time giving to jobs, to children, to the home, and we skip ourselves. Leaning into the best hour or two of your day could help recharge you in ways you never thought. This could look like meditating. It could look like playing with your children. It could look like running or lifting weights. It is not selfish to give yourself this time, says Dr. Groppel from the article, it’s shifting priorities to yourself.
Self-care should be a part of your daily life
How Does Self-Care Benefit Us?
Creating a wellness and self-care routine helps boost immunity and reduce anxiety, says CNN Health. Unstructured time can lead to stress because we’re not sure what to do with it all, but maintaining a healthy schedule of sleep, exercise, and meals can leave us feeling in control, says the article. Manageability is key when setting up a schedule. What you don’t want is to create something that’s so ambitious it has the opposite effect. Set times for meals each day around the same time and do your best to purposefully enjoy them. Mindful eating and planning ahead help the most. Sleep at the rhythm that makes you comfortable. Experts agree that sticking to your own circadian rhythm will benefit you the most, says the article. As for exercise, keep it simple. Set a time, set a place, set yourself up for success for about 30 minutes a day of movement, said CNN.
On a more elevated level of self-care, mastering a skill, meditating, and connecting with others are amazing ways to eliminate stress and refuel yourself, says Forbes. Confidence, cognitive ability and productivity levels are higher in people who practice self-care, according to the article. When we choose to take a break or do something just for the pleasure of it, we allow our minds to clear and our bodies to rest, leaving room to take on the rest of the day, says Forbes.
Meditation can be part of your self-care routine
The term self-care has become quite well known over the past few years, and rightly so. When we take care of ourselves we become, essentially, better versions of ourselves. And here is the best part: it’s contagious, says Forbes. When we feel good, when we give ourselves time and attention, we are able to push it forward to others because we have enough. If you really think about it, self-care is one of the least selfish things you could do. Think of one thing you could do to take care of yourself today and don’t feel guilty about it.
The Blissful Heart Wellness Center in Bend
Connect with others and connect with your spirit through our events and classes at The Blissful Heart Wellness Center. Whether you are looking to relax or recharge, our campus is the best place to find yoga classes, counseling, massage therapy, meditation sessions and much more. Bookmark our events page to see what’s coming up next or visit see our practitioners page to learn more!