How to Heal the Feeling of Being Ungrounded
Have you ever felt emotionally or spiritually drained, as if you have lost all of your energy? This feeling is known as being ungrounded, and it can be very disruptive to your daily life.
Being ungrounded means your connection with the earth has been disrupted, making it difficult to connect with others and find clarity in your thoughts.
What it Means To Be Ungrounded
Being ungrounded can refer to an array of feelings,, including feeling disconnected from yourself and the world around you, mentally foggy or physically drained, and having difficulty concentrating.
Do you feel disconnected from yourself and those around you?
When someone is ungrounded, their energy is not adequately rooted in their body. Instead, it feels dispersed into the environment, resulting in feeling overwhelmed by their emotions or unable to focus on the tasks.
Causes of Ungroundedness
There are many potential causes of ungrounding. Some people may experience feelings of being ungrounded due to physical illness or nutrient deficiency. Other causes may include stress-related factors such as chronic anxiety or depression; environmental factors like pollution; or lifestyle choices such as overworking oneself or engaging in too much screen time without breaks for fresh air and nature walks.
Researchers have indicated that modern lifestyles may be an overlooked contributor to the rise in non-communicable, inflammatory-related chronic diseases.
Healing From Ungroundedness
Fortunately, there are many ways that you can heal from being ungrounded. One approach is through diet changes. Eating whole foods rich in vitamins and minerals can help restore balance and reduce inflammation caused by nutrient deficiencies. Learn more about what a well-balanced diet looks like here.
Additionally, engaging in physical activities like yoga or tai chi can help reconnect you with your body while providing relaxation benefits at the same time.
Step out into nature
Another way to heal from being ungrounded is through mindfulness practices that help bring awareness back into your life. Mindfulness practices can range from guided meditations to journaling sessions that take you to a place of self-reflection and gratitude.
Spending more time outdoors surrounded by nature (such as taking daily walks) can also help bring peace back into your life while reestablishing a connection between yourself and the earth’s energy.
Biological Earthing is a technique that takes advantage of the earth’s electric charge, which plays a nurturing role for animals and plants. In its most natural form, a person can walk barefoot outdoors to have direct contact with natural conductive surfaces like grass, soil, gravel, stone, and sand.
A person can purchase Earthing systems, including conductive mats, pads, and body bands used while sitting or sleeping indoors. The purpose is to restore a primordial electric connection to the earth, which some researchers view as a cause of multiple health disorders.
Bend Energy Work
For those in the Bend, Oregon area, The Blissful Heart Wellness Center offers a variety of Energy Work classes led by different practitioners in areas like breathwork, hypnotherapy, nutrition counseling and more.
A woman practices breathwork
Being ungrounded can be an uncomfortable experience that affects our mental health and quality of life. With a proper understanding of its underlying causes and how it manifests within you, you can begin to heal yourself back into balance.
Use any one or all of the approaches tailored toward your individual needs. If your healing process includes dietary changes; physical activities; mindfulness practices; Earthing; or just spending time outdoors surrounded by nature; your path will lead towards grounding yourself again.
Most of all, be patient with yourself and use these tools to create your well-being journey to find your way back home.