What is Holistic Beauty?

The world of beauty is vast and diverse. In fact, even the word "beauty" can spark a lot of debate and discussion. What is beauty? Is it only about outward appearances or aesthetics? The truth is beauty is individual and multifaceted. That's where holistic beauty comes in.

Breaking the term into its parts, "holistic" relates to a full system, the complete picture rather than just one piece. Holistic plus beauty means beauty is just as much about the inside as the outside. Holistic beauty is about taking care of what's inside our bodies to produce healthy, beautiful results on the outside.

Our bodies are powerhouses, full of just about everything it needs to produce a healthy body. But it does take work and a little know-how to keep our bodies working altogether. A holistic view of our bodies and our beauty means looking at our physical, mental, and even spiritual well-being rather than just throwing a band-aid over a problem area.

Instant Results vs. Long-Lasting Benefits

Our world, even the beauty world, is obsessed with instant results. We want what we want in as little time as possible, and if that means minimal effort, we're even more interested. Most beauty products today are filled with chemicals and artificial everything. This kind of junk only helps cover up issues rather than get to the root cause.

Take skin care and moisturizers for instance. There are hundreds of these kinds of products on any supermarket, pharmacy, or department store shelves. Almost all of these products claim to moisturize your skin and cut back on dryness. The truth? These products only go skin deep (pun intended). None of them get at what's causing the dryness. They are only temporary fixes - and toxic fixes at that.

The best beauty results come from a holistic approach and that means ditching the toxic and treating our beauty from the inside out.

Hair and Skin Care


Holistic skin and hair care

Let's focus on hair and skin care. Both are big areas in many people's beauty routines, but we often treat them as individual, isolated pieces. In reality, hair and skin are just two parts of our holistic beauty, and they need to be treated that way.

To get healthy hair and skin, you have to look at every aspect of your life. What are you eating? How much are you sleeping? Are you using or ingesting toxic substances? All of these questions can and do affect the health of your hair and skin.

So how do you fix it? How do you get healthy skin and hair with a holistic beauty approach? You start on the inside. You need to focus on the health of your liver, ovaries, bowels, and mind in order to get a healthy aesthetic on the outside. All of these internal organs and functions help produce better-looking and, more importantly, healthier pieces on the outside.

Holistic Beauty and Salon Integration

Salons, one of the foremost places for beauty and wellness, can integrate these holistic ideas and practices as well. Rather than looking at a client and seeing "problem" areas, it's important to look at those areas and ask, "What is this telling me?"

Understanding that these symptoms - dry skin, redness, irritation, oiliness - are communicating a bigger issue is the first step to treating beauty holistically. Once salons understand the communication aspect of beauty, they can begin to effectively treat people and empower them to take back ownership of their entire bodies.


bend holistic salon

What are in the beauty products you use?

Beauty isn't just the outward appearance of a person, and it isn't just isolated pieces. Beauty is holistic. The industry is just finally catching up.

Looking for Holistic Beauty Services in Bend?

In addition to holistic and spiritual wellness classes, our center in Bend is also home to holistic beauty services! Our skilled practitioners are experts in their field and would love to see you. Learn more about each of them and book your appointments on each of their websites here.