Start a Beautiful Garden in Central Oregon with these Plants
It’s June and everyone is embracing the season and enjoying the warmth it brings. There’s nothing quite like being outside in central Oregon! Visitors and residents alike enjoy the natural beauty of this magical place. We have been working hard at the Blissful Heart Wellness Center campus to make sure our gardens are brimming with nature’s vibrant colors for our visitors to enjoy a place of beauty and calm.
Stepping into a garden is like entering a sanctuary of tranquility offered by Mother Earth. The benefits of immersing oneself in a garden are far-reaching, offering a respite from the hustle and bustle of daily life while nurturing both the body and the mind. The vibrant colors, captivating fragrances, and gentle sounds of nature provide a sensory feast that calms the spirit and encourages relaxation.
Gardens also offer a space for physical activity, whether it's tending to plants, digging in the soil, or simply enjoying a leisurely stroll. Furthermore, spending time in a garden has been shown to reduce stress and improve mental well-being. From the joy of watching plants grow and bloom to the serenity found in its peaceful embrace, a garden truly becomes a haven for solace, rejuvenation, and a deeper appreciation of the wonders of life.
Want to Start Your Own Garden in Central Oregon? Try These Plants:
It's important to note that Centra Oregon has microclimates and variations in elevation and rainfall, so it's always a good idea to consider the specific conditions of your location when selecting plants for your garden. Additionally, native plants can be an excellent choice as they are well-adapted to the local climate and support the local ecosystem.
Here are some of the best types of plants to consider for gardening in Central Oregon during the summer. Note: some of the the plants that are perennials will not make it through the cold winters in Bend—you should get the hardier version for the zones. Check out this great site for a list of drought tolerant plants for Central Oregon.
Rhododendrons and Azaleas: These flowering shrubs thrive in Central Oregon’s acidic soil and provide beautiful blooms in a variety of colors. We have many of these beauties planted on our campus grounds.
Purple azaleas
Hydrangeas: Hydrangeas are well-suited to the region's moist conditions. They produce large, showy flower clusters in shades of blue, pink, and white.
Hostas: These leafy perennials are known for their attractive foliage and their ability to tolerate shade. They come in a variety of sizes, colors, and textures.
Yarrow: this is a perennial herbaceous plant with fern-like foliage and flat clusters of tiny flowers in various colors; to care for it, plant it in well-drained soil, provide full sun or partial shade, water regularly but avoid overwatering, and trim the spent blooms to encourage continuous flowering.
Russian Sage: scientifically known as Perovskia atriplicifolia, is a drought-tolerant perennial plant with silvery-gray foliage and tall spikes of lavender-blue flowers; to care for it in Central Oregon, plant it in well-drained soil, provide full sun exposure, water deeply but infrequently, and cut it back to the ground in early spring to encourage new growth.
English Lavender: also known as Lavandula angustifolia, is a fragrant evergreen shrub with narrow leaves and spikes of purple flowers, commonly used in aromatherapy and culinary applications; to care for it, plant it in well-drained soil, provide full sun exposure, water sparingly, and prune it in early spring to maintain its shape and promote bushier growth.
Heucheras (Coral Bells): These perennial plants feature vibrant, colorful foliage and produce delicate spikes of bell-shaped flowers. They can tolerate a range of light conditions.
Salvia: Many varieties of salvia perform well in the region, with their vibrant flowers attracting hummingbirds and butterflies.
Blueberries: Central Oregon is renowned for its berry production. Blueberries thrive in the region's acidic soil and produce delicious fruits during the summer.
Veggies and Herbs: While the climate is not as warm as in other regions, you can still grow a variety of vegetables and herbs in Central Oregon during the summer.
A woman plants basil in her garden
And while you’re here on our campus to visit our counselors, massage therapists, stylists, and other healers, take a few moments to stroll through our gardens! It’s a wonderful opportunity to spend a little time with nature.