6 Ways to Get Unstuck (Out of a Rut)
We've all been stuck in a rut before. You know the feeling: every day feels like the same, slow slog. You feel dissatisfied with your job, your relationship, your life — but you can't seem to find a path out of the "blah" and into your bliss.
If you're feeling that way these days, don't worry: you're not alone, and the feeling doesn't have to last. Here are a few tips to help you get unstuck and stay that way.
Feeling stuck? You’re not alone.
Feeling Stuck? Try These Tips
Recognize Where You Are
They say that the first step to making any change is recognizing that you need to make one. Often when we're stuck in a rut, we don't fully see that we're stuck. All we know is that something doesn't feel right.
Before you can get unstuck, you have to acknowledge the "stuck" feeling for what it is. You're not just tired, not just grumpy — your soul is trying to convince you to make a change.
Step Away from the Problem
So, you've officially acknowledged that you're in a rut… now what? One of the things that's most challenging about a rut is the fact that there rarely seems to be a way out.
But here's the thing: when you're too close to the problem, mired in negativity and uncomfortable feelings, you can never really see the full picture.
A great way to get unstuck is to step away — literally. Get outside and take a walk in the fresh air. Go somewhere quiet where you can let go of whatever is causing your rut (your job, your partner, your living situation). You might find that even an hour away can give you a fresh perspective.
Make Small Changes
Real talk: getting out of a rut is HARD. It's not something you can do overnight, and it's not something you'll be able to do all at once. Instead, you need to make small, incremental, and impactful changes.
Even one small change each week — drinking more water, looking at jobs online, going to a new social event once a month, trying something new to you like meditation — can lead to big changes in your life. Don't dismiss those baby steps!
Take Care of Yourself
Sometimes, a rut happens because we start ignoring our own needs to serve the greater good. We work too many hours. We stay up late to help our friends and loved ones. We stop doing the things that bring us joy.
STOP DOING THAT! Your body, mind, and soul need fulfillment if you're going to be happy and healthy — and the other people in your life will be able to get more from you if you're filled up and have more to give!
It’s not selfish to carve out some “me” time.
So, don't feel guilty about self-care. Take a hot bath after work. Carve out some time to practice your hobbies. Even if nothing else changes in your life, a little self-care can bring you the joy you have been missing.
Take Care of Someone Else
On the other hand, sometimes we get into a rut simply BECAUSE we're focused on ourselves. When all your energy is focused inward, it's easy to start feeling depleted and unhappy. We humans are social creatures, and a self-centered existence never really fulfills our hearts.
Take a friend out for some coffee.
If you're feeling dissatisfied or stuck in your own life, sometimes the best thing you can do is stop focusing on you! Volunteer at a local charity. Take a friend out for coffee and let them vent to you. A little break from the constant focus on the self can be refreshing!
Ask for Help
Finally, if you are having a hard time getting unstuck know that it's ok to ask for help. Everyone — literally everyone — has been in this position at some point in their life, and they might be able to give you a little helpful advice!
Your life is meant to move you forward from one adventurous chapter to the next. If you feel stuck in a chapter that's run its course, that's ok. Use these tips and you can turn the page and start your next adventure.