September Self-Care: Just Breathe
September is National Self-Care Awareness Month, a time when we can focus more on taking care of ourselves. Doing breathing exercises is a wonderful way to practice self-care, and the good news is they are easy to try out. The top breathing exercises, backed by extensive research, are listed below.
Mindful Breathing: What is It?
So, what exactly is mindful breathing? This technique doesn’t involve counting your breaths or any other measured steps, like you’ll see in some of the other techniques below. Instead, it is simply being aware of your breath, while observing any thoughts and sensations that arise. You can practice this at any time of the day for as long as you want. Some people prefer to sit. Others lie down, and still others prefer to practice this while they go about their day.
Mindful breathing
You may experience some resistance to this process at first. No hard and fast rules exist. Just do the best you can. As you practice this more, you will get better at it. (Think of it like riding a bike.) You didn’t jump on the first time and take off. When you notice you have strayed from being mindful of your breath, just return your attention to your breathing and present in the moment. Many people feel a sense of calm and clarity, even after the first session.
While this may seem too simple to be of any help at all, numerous studies have found that mindful breathing has many benefits. One study in particular found that mindful breathing can reduce anxiety and increase positive thoughts, improving overall well-being. Another study even found that this practice can even reduce stress and impulsive responses, which has been linked to mental health issues like overeating and substance abuse.
Mindful breathing may help reduce anxiety
Belly Breathing
When you are feeling anxious or stressed, another technique you can use is belly breathing. You can lay down or sit up, put your hand on your belly, and take three or more slow and controlled breaths from your stomach instead of your chest. This form of breathing reduces your heart rate and stops the fight-or-flight process, which is your body’s physiological response to stress.
Alternate Nostril Breathing
This exercise may seem funny and awkward at first, but it has been found to have many benefits such as reducing stress, improving lung function, decreasing heart rate, and promoting overall well being. Best of all, it is very simple. Hold one nostril closed and inhale through the open side. Hold your breath. Move your hand to the other side and close the opposite nostril. Then exhale from that side. You can repeat this process for five minutes or less.
Alternate nostril breathing
Just remember, no one is grading you on any of the techniques above. Don’t take yourself too seriously. This is supposed to be relaxing, not stressful. Have fun with it and give yourself an “A+” for trying something new. Most importantly, take care of yourself.
The Blissful Heart Wellness Center in Bend
If you are seeking alternative and holistic wellness services and are in the Bend area, please visit The Blissful Heart Wellness Center. We offer a variety of holistic wellness, energy, spiritual, and therapeutic services like meditation, sound therapy, counseling, massage therapy and more.