Seasonal Self-Care: 7 Tips for Managing Mental Health as the Days Get Shorter

As the vibrant colors of summer fade and the days become shorter, many people experience a shift in their mood and energy levels. This transition can be challenging for those who are particularly sensitive to the changing seasons. While the crisp air and cozy sweaters might bring excitement to some, others may find themselves feeling more tired, sluggish, or even a bit down. If you’re one of those people, you’re not alone, and there are ways to manage these seasonal changes proactively.


Here are some practical self-care tips to help you maintain your mental health as we transition into fall and winter.

1. Embrace Natural Light

Exposure to natural light is key, especially for those affected by Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), which impacts about 5% of U.S. adults, particularly women and people farther from the equator.


One of the key factors contributing to seasonal mood changes is the reduction in natural light. Sunlight plays a crucial role in regulating our circadian rhythms and mood by influencing the production of serotonin and melatonin. As the days get shorter, make it a priority to soak up as much natural light as possible.


Morning Walks: Start your day with a brisk walk outside to boost your mood and get your daily dose of sunlight.

Open Your Curtains: Keep your curtains open during the day to let in natural light.

Consider Light Therapy: If you live in an area with minimal daylight during the fall and winter months, consider using a light therapy box to simulate sunlight exposure.


2. Stay Active

Regular physical activity can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. Try incorporating activities like brisk walking or yoga to lift your mood.


3. Prioritize Sleep

Poor sleep can worsen stress, anxiety, and depression. Unfortunately, around 1 in 3 U.S. adults do not get enough sleep (CDC). A consistent sleep schedule and a calming bedtime routine can improve rest.


Stick to a Schedule: Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

Create a Calming Bedtime Routine: Wind down with calming activities like reading, meditation, or gentle stretching to prepare your body and mind for sleep.

Limit Screen Time: Reduce exposure to screens and blue light before bedtime, as they can interfere with the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep.


4. Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness meditation can decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression by up to 38% (Journal of Clinical Psychology). Techniques such as deep breathing exercises can help maintain emotional balance.


5. Connect with Loved Ones

Social connections are vital for mental health. Make time for friends and family to build emotional support.


Plan Social Activities: Organize small gatherings, game nights, or virtual meet-ups with loved ones to stay engaged.

Volunteer: Consider volunteering your time to help others, which can boost your mood and provide a sense of purpose.


6. Nourish Your Body

A balanced diet supports mental health. Include seasonal fruits and vegetables to keep your meals nutritious and vibrant.

Boost Omega-3 Intake: Include foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon, walnuts, and chia seeds, which have been shown to improve mood and cognitive function.

Limit Sugary Foods: While comfort foods might be tempting, limit your intake of sugary and processed foods, which can contribute to mood swings and energy crashes.



7. Seek Professional Support

If overwhelmed, speaking to a mental health professional can provide valuable strategies for navigating seasonal changes.


8. Bonus Tip: Establish a Creative Outlet

Engaging in creative activities can be an excellent way to lift your mood and express yourself. Whether it’s painting, crafting, writing, or playing a musical instrument, creative outlets provide a sense of accomplishment, reduce stress, and help keep your mind engaged.

  • Try Something New: Take a class or join a group to learn a new creative skill like pottery, photography, or knitting.

  • Daily Creativity Time: Dedicate time each day to a creative pursuit, even if it’s just doodling or listening to music that inspires you.



How Our Holistic Wellness Center Can Help: Blissful Heart in Bend

At our holistic wellness center in Bend, we offer massage therapy to reduce stress, energy healing to restore balance, and mental wellness services to guide you through seasonal challenges. We're here to support your self-care journey this season.


Check our practitioners and schedule an appointment with them directly!

