Setting Intentions for the New Year: Living your Best Life
The new year is a time of rebirth. While the year changes over in the midst of winter, the sense of coming spring surrounds us all, as we try to blossom and grow into something bigger and better.
Around 31% of Americans will make some kind of New Year's resolution when the calendar hits January 1st — but sadly, around half of them will not keep their resolutions throughout the year.
What is the key to keeping resolutions and achieving your goals for a better life? It's all about setting your intentions.
Keep it Positive
Too often, we make our new year's resolutions about the things we don't want to do:
"I will NOT eat dessert all January."
"I WON'T spend money on clothes I don't need."
When we do this, we immediately turn our pledge to be better into a punishment — and as you probably know, it's tempting to break those rules.
As you set your intentions this new year, be sure to frame it in a positive way.
Instead of depriving yourself of dessert, say, "I WILL give my body the healthy food it needs to thrive."
Instead of a ban on fun shopping, say, "I WILL be responsible with my finances and set myself up for success!"
That positivity will make it much easier to stick with your new habit or work towards your goal.
Specificity Matters
You might have some lofty goals for 2022. Maybe you want to save a lot of money, or start a new career, or lose weight, or find love. But here's the thing: lofty goals are great, but it's the small, specific goals that take you to your destination.
Instead of saying you'll lose 20 lbs, say you'll commit to walking a mile at your local park twice a week. A specific goal makes your lofty ambition feel much more manageable, and it will get you started down the long road towards success.
Be Kind to Yourself
Be kind to yourself
Finally, let's get honest for a second: you're probably going to slip up on your journey to your best life. You're human — even the best of us make mistakes! This is why it's so important to give yourself grace and room to grow.
Ultimately, your highest intention is to live a better, happier life. While all your smaller resolutions and goals will contribute to that, they won't matter much if you don't give yourself the love and compassion you deserve.
So, when you break your diet, buy something just for fun, or do anything else that's opposed to your current resolution, don't feel like you failed. Simply take a breath, give yourself a big hug, and try again. That dose of self-love just might be the thing you need to become your best self.
Seek External Help
Don’t be afraid to ask for help or talk it out. If you need to seek guidance from a counselor or intuitive, that’s absolutely fine. Whatever feels comfortable and right for you to help you achieve peace or your personal goals is great to explore.
A couple speaks with a counselor
At The Blissful Heart Wellness Boutique, we have tools to help you on your spiritual journey. And if you would like to meet with energy healers, readers, or licensed therapists, our community is here to support you.