Create With Love
Every 80 to 100 days, 30 trillion of your cells will have replenished - the equivalent of a new you. Science tells us that we affect the physical with our thoughts and intentions. So... which thoughts and feelings are you using as your tools of creation?
One option is to run a program of fear. Something pops up - like a virus - and there's an opportunity to allow fear to become the lens through which you see all of life. At a certain point, the fear lessens its grip - a vaccine comes out. Everything starts to feel better... but uh-oh, what if the vaccine is harmful? Yikes! And the opportunity to operate from fear begins anew. It snowballs, collecting things like "I'm not good enough" and "I can't" and "it's too late."
Fear is not who you are, Friend.
Or you can delete that program. Fear is not who you are, Friend.
You are and have always been made of love. You brought Source into this human body on this planet. You are love, embodied.
Every cell in your body is affected by your thoughts and feelings - brilliant! And you have free will, which allows you to choose where you place your focus. It has never been more obvious than in this time of extremes that what you focus on becomes your reality.
Together we create a new way for humanity. Not by reading up on it, not by thinking about doing it, but by being it. By actively letting love guide us in every relationship and every reality we participate in. It is a choice. A practice.
When you source love, you immediately disconnect from the reality that is working hard every day to press fear into your system.
And everything changes.
Turn your face to the bright Spring sun - literally and figuratively. Let that power source, that aliveness, that light, fuel your beautiful heart into its natural state. Sometimes we forget we have the ability to make these shifts, but I'm here to tell you: You DO. You always have. I'm here to help if you need it.
Let that light fuel your heart.
So breathe it in, Beloved. Let love be your only creative tool. You are good enough. You can. There is only now.