Planetary Conjunctions: What Are They?

Our world is filled with remarkable and beautiful things for us to witness with wonder. But nothing on our planet is quite as awe-inspiring as the incredible beauty happening in our night sky! The galaxy is constantly giving us reason to stop and look up admiringly, from meteor showers to eclipses and everything in between.

One of the greatest sights you can see in the night sky is a planetary conjunction. But what exactly is this phenomenon — and how can you see one for yourself? Here's everything you need to know about planetary conjunctions.

What is a Planetary Conjunction?

A planetary conjunction is a phenomenon that occurs when two planets share the same ecliptic longitude in their orbit. This makes the planets appear incredibly close to one another, even if they are actually thousands of miles apart. During a planetary conjunction, planets can appear anywhere from 9° to 0.5° apart — and in rare instances, they can appear even closer.

People are interested in planetary conjunctions for many reasons. Astrologists claim that conjunctions amplify the themes associated with the planets involved. Conjunctions can affect how scientists communicate with satellites and spacecraft (for example, NASA cannot communicate with the Mars Rover during the Mars solar conjunction in October). But for most of us, there is one main reason to take interest in planetary conjunctions: they look beautiful!

When is the Next One?

Planetary conjunctions happen quite often. For example, here are just a few of the upcoming conjunctions in 2022:

●     June 11: Venus and Uranus

●     August 1: Mars and Uranus

●     August 24: Venus and Ceres (a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt)

●     December 29: Venus and Mercury

June 24 Rare Planetary Alignment Event

Some conjunctions are in fact rarer than others. You will definitely want to keep an eye out on June 24 for a spectacular planetary alignment event. On this day, five planets will align for the first time since 2004!

If you want to see a planetary conjunction, you need to plan carefully and time it right. For the best view, you'll need to be in an area with minimal light pollution and a clear horizon, like a beach or a mountain plateau.

Most conjunctions are easiest to see 45 minutes after sunset, so make sure you're facing the right location (for example, the June 11 conjunction will be visible from the west-northwest direction). You can even use a star mapping app to help you locate the conjunction in the night sky.

This summer, get outside and look up! If you plan it right and take the time to find it, you can witness one of our galaxy's most fascinating sights.

Blissful Heart Full Moon Meditations

We cannot underestimate the wonders our universe brings us!

For our friends local to the Bend, Oregon area, we invite you to our June 17 Moon Meditation and Sound Bath event! Come joins us on June 17th for a magical evening as we embrace the energy of the full moon. Seating begins at 6:45pm. This event is free and open to the public although donations are accepted.

Wild Horse Sanctuary

We are excited to announce our Wild Horse Sanctuary, Broken Arrow Ranch—an extension of The Blissful Heart Wellness Center! Our mission is to rescue horses from slaughter, abuse and neglect Please learn more about The Safe Act.